
Emeth is not, and cannot be a Tyled online space. There is no possible way of ensuring that only Regular Freemasons are participating in any online space, Emeth or otherwise.

Everyone with a positive interest in Freemasonry is welcome to participate here, just like everyone with a positive interest is welcome to participate in some of our largest Masonic research societies and discussion groups.

Please do remember that this is not a Tyled space when considering the posting of something that might be considered a part of the Secret Work within your specific Jurisdiction.

Just as with every Masonic book ever published, Emeth is read by Masons and non Masons alike.

On rare occasions, if I post about something I believe to be quite controversial, I will limit that post to those with a paid subscription. My reason for this goes back to my hope that everyone here has a positive interest in Freemasonry. In our divided society, some people will ‘hate read’ materials from organizations that they are opposed to. I do not believe however that those who stand in opposition to our Gentle Craft will pay to ‘hate read’ what is posted here on Emeth.