Some years ago, my Lodge decided to hold a retreat. We rented a large house on the Puget Sound. The backyard was completely private, surrounded by thick evergreen trees.
We stayed for a couple of days, just enjoying each other’s company, talking about Freemasonry, and building the bonds of fellowship.
But, at some point, late one evening, one of our members looked at the torches which were lit around the back yard (to keep mosquitos at bay) and declared that we should perform a Degree. An outdoor Degree, in the woods at night, with torches providing the only light.
We performed that Degree, and it was truly superb!
My Centralia Lodge held that Degree, but it was attended by my good friend and Brother Larry of Sultan-Monroe Lodge. I can’t remember what position I took in that first torchlight Degree, nor what position he took, but those details aren’t important to the story. What is important is that Larry loved the Degree just as much as the rest of us did, and Very Worshipful Larry is a promoter!
He declared that moving forward we should perform the Degree every other year, in the outdoor Lodge Room at the Masonic Park in Granite Falls, Washington,1 and that it should be a collaboration between District 17 which is home to Centralia Lodge, and District 8 in which the Park is located.
We all agreed with his plan, and with his continual help and promotion this Degree has become extremely popular.
It’s a Fellowcraft Degree, done in full costume meant to call to mind workmen at the Temple, and it is done in full darkness with only the flames of the torches to provide illumination.
I should also mention that this is always a real Degree, performed on a real candidate(s), not an exemplified Degree with someone just taking the role of the candidate. That is important I think.
My Jurisdiction has a number of Degrees like this each year, each with their own twist. Quilcene-Jefferson Lodge hosts a great outdoor First Degree in the open air Lodge room they have created behind their Masonic Temple. San Juan Lodge holds a Second Degree each year in the McMillan Mausoleum,2 and an outdoor Third Degree is held at the Masonic Park every year, often with a foreign Jurisdiction performing the work for all of us to enjoy.
I think that Degrees like this are important. While not every Mason can expect to go through a unique Degree like this, and while no Lodge would ever be able to pull off the work needed to do all of its Degrees like this, all the Masons in the Jurisdiction have an opportunity to experience them.
And I think that is important. I think it is important because I believe that it gives us an opportunity to examine the Degrees in a different context and setting, which can lead us to unique reflections on them. I also believe that by doing something different and interesting occasionally, we gain a new appreciation for the Work.
We can also bring something we learn, back to our Lodge. In Centralia Lodge, having learned how wonderfully it works in the dark, we now perform the Fellowcraft Degree Lectures in a dark Lodge Room with only the very meager light provided by an electric torch and the Three Lesser Lights.
Finally, while most Masons will not have the opportunity to go through a Degree like these, some will. And those will have a truly unique and wonderful experience to carry throughout their lives.
As we look towards improving our Lodges, I think that we do well to consider our Degrees. How can we do them differently in order to make the experience more impactful for our candidates? Do we have a way or a place to do something unique? Have we looked at every facet of our Lodge’s performance of the Degree, to see if there is any way it can be improved?
Certainly we owe it to our new Initiates to give them the very best Degree experience possible.
All of this leads me to an announcement.
Our biannual Fellowcraft Degree will be held at the Masonic Park on:
Saturday, August 19
Now I know, you’re thinking: ‘What time man? You forgot to tell us what time it starts!’
No, I didn’t forget. It starts when it starts. In other words, it starts when it gets dark. This is a degree done in darkness, not twilight. Figure 8:00PM, but it could be later if it isn’t dark enough.
If you are a Mason, and if you can make it, I would urge you to join us for the Degree! It is a truly wonderful experience each year. For those who like to camp, there is ample camping opportunity in the park, with hookups or without, whatever you desire. If you are like Mrs. Bailey and refuse to camp under any circumstances whatsoever, you can join us at a nearby hotel. Well, as nearby as possible.
All this leads me to a second announcement.
We are building the conferring team now. If you would like to fill a spot in the Degree, reply to this email and let me know, or hit me up in the comments below. As with each year we would like a good mix of Masons to participate from around the Jurisdiction. All of our spots are open, so please let me know if you would like to have one.
All this leads me to a third announcement.
As I understand it, the outdoor Lodge Room is currently under construction, so we may be forced to do the Degree elsewhere in the park. If that is the case, you’ll want to bring a lawn chair. Heck, you might want to bring one anyway, those wooden benches can get awfully hard after a while!
I hope to see you at the Degree, and if you want to join us in conferring it, I hope that you’ll let me know!
There are so many ways a degree can be performed to enhance the experience, not just for the candidate, but for everyone involved. This includes both before and after the actual conferral, which all too often are ignored.
I would love to participate in the degree. I will reach out directly.
For a notice of reminder to all who plan to attend, please be advised that the Job's Daughters of Washington State are gathering at the Masonic Park on the same weekend as this wonderful Degree for their annual Weekend of Fun.
They ask that you keep them in mind and present yourselves in a manor fitting for interactions with our youth. Please keep smoking, adult beverages and course langauge from their areas.
They are hoping that we as the Masons who give them heritage will interact with them in some meaningful and purposeful way. I hope we who attend can find some time to do just that.
This Torchlight Degree is always superb and will leave a lasting impression on those who participate. I hope to see many of my Brothers there.