Brother Mitchell argues, in his brief essay that our Blue Lodges are theurgic and transformative and that the esoteric power of Freemasonry is intrinsic unto itself. I found this short work to be extremely interesting, and I hope that you do as well.
After you’ve had a chance to read it, please return here and share your thoughts, we can chat about it together…
An in-depth explanation of the initiatic experience, as well as the power of secrets is available in John Michael Greer's book "Inside a Magical Lodge: Traditional Lodge Methods for Modern Mages". Brother Greer (he is a Mason) first defines "magic" in a modern sense. Then he details unique features of a "lodge," including lodges with various different foci. I found most interesting his in-depth exploration of the uses of ritual and symbolism.
Now is a good time to learn what magic exists in the human experience and its transformative effects.
A very good read. It brought to my mind how, as children, we are much more open to magic and magical experiences. As we grow older we begin to look at magic as foolishness and are “taught” to turn our minds to higher thoughts and deeper thinking. The Initiatic process can be the first step of removing our blinders and re-introducing magic back into our lives. To delve into the esoteric can be very transformative and magical.
This is a wonderful topic, and by that, I mean it is filled with potential spiritual wonder. As I stated in a previous post, I have studied the mystery religions since I was a teenager. But what I did not say is I have experimented with many Theurgic systems and have had many transformative experiences. All cultures and societies have an expression of the Theurgic stream, and in some societies, it is considered normal. The idea that Ritual can connect and elevate you to the divine, in a personal and intimate way is common, and for me real.
There are several elements that need to be present, in my experience, and when they are Theurgic experiences are probable. First the creation of sacred space is required. This can take many forms, but it must initiate the sense of liminal space in the person(s) operating the ritual. Liminal space is a setting that creates a feeling of otherworldliness in a person. Spooky is how many would describe it. Often the rituals will prescribe a setting that if done correctly will achieve this experience.
The next thing I have found that is necessary is that the operator has the correct mental posture. You need to have a strong need or desire for the Theurgic experience. This is not the place for doubt. Open mindedness is required because transformative experiences are by definition NOT what you expect.
Next, I find a coherent set of symbols. For example; a ritual setting utilizing Vajrayana symbols and a Christian format might be problematic. The symbols used must be consistent with the ritual, and using a set of ritual and symbols that are culturally familiar to the operator is best.
The last thing I have found is the need for preparation. There are no short cuts. Study, meditation, even restrictions of lifestyle, like fasting and abstinence can all contribute to the success of the operation, and again the rituals often prescribe the preparation. These experiences are not available to all people all the time. You cannot casually, perform ritual Theurgy by simply reading some magical words and expect a positive outcome. Issues or mental and emotional health must be considered. A well-balanced mind is essential to a safe and productive ritual. A famous ritualist, inside that community, Israel Regardie suggests that all who would practice these rituals should engage in psychotherapy as a safety measure.
Once the operator has performed the Theurgic ritual, I have found that it is best NOT to discuss it until you have integrated the experience. Personal divine experiences are just that personal, and discussion with others before its integration can dilute its affect.
So, are our rituals Theurgy? My answer is yes, if they are performed in the style I listed above. I can say without any doubt that these practices and the experiences derived from them have shaped my life, healed my wounds and transformed me as a man. I will continue this work as long as I am able. Our Lodges CAN be liminal spaces, our rituals and symbols are both coherent and based in our culture, our teachings, as prescribed in the Fellowcraft degree, train our minds to be open and analytical, our oaths prescribe our lifestyles and require silence concerning our Lodge experience, at least with the outside world. All the elements are present. If we are prepared, it can happen.
Why do we become Masons? Ostensibly, so that we may improve our families and communities through self-improvement. For much the same reasons, we attend to our devotions in our churches, temples, and synagogues. Is "magic" involved? Of course it is. What *is* magic? My dictionary defines magic as "... a secret or mysterious power over the imagination or will." I look at magic as knowing something that someone else does not know. To an aboriginal tribesman, a Bic lighter is magic. Our ritual has a sort of magic for me. (I cannot and will not attempt to speak for anyone else!) The Closing Charge at every meeting holds a special place in my soul: "Brethren, we are now about to quit this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue, to mingle again with the outer world." I depart a meeting feeling renewed and grateful for what time I may have left on this world. Mankind has long sought explanations for the way things are, and instruction on how to make them better. Freemasonry provides for me paths that I may follow to discover some of those answers. In the main, those answers lie within me, and my methods of engaging the "outer world." There is magic out there. We just need to open our eyes and ears to experience it.
With your permission, I will share my experiences with the following...
the Blue Lodge, Craft Masonry, is intrinsically and immutably, ritual magic.
• I believe through our ritual, we open a Portal that I certainly do not comprehend it’s total 360*. My Sensei, GM Morris Mack would state once you walked through the Dojo door (gate), You are in a different World, a Hall of Learning and Training. Leave the outer world outside.
• By physical crossing barriers/thresholds/perimeters, Indeed, when Sensei opened his Dojo through the Opening Ritual, he created sacredness, time and space, that is still growing in me. I believe when I have opened the Blue, Red, Purple and Black Easts, we created a Magick engram that is integrated in a collective thought form of all whom are present.
• Through study, inculation, and dwelling within sacred time and space we deposit these Magick Creations within the repository of our sacred breast.
• By degrees, these Magick Creations transforms us internally/spiritually, and we develop the wisdom to contrive, and strength to establish;
• Ultimately, by proper application of wisdom and strength, we become Magicians in the Jungian sense, manifesting the unrealities within our hearts; beauty to adorn the real world. Hence, The Universal Law of Manifestation.
Yes, I believe, the Blue Lodge, Craft Masonry, is intrinsically and immutably, ritual magick, that may create the unreal, REAL.
Greetings brothers, I am new to this site and wanted to take the opportunity to give my thanks for having me. I look forward to learning from the members here and I also would like to share my thoughts on the article "when worlds collide". One aspect that stood out to me was the word Theurgy.
Theurgy meaning as per Oxford’s Dictionary- the operation or effect of a supernatural or divine agency in human affairs.
Word originating from Greek; -Theo: god & -ergos: working
From the early Neoplatonic era, Theurgy became known or associated with magicians of white magic. These magicians or otherwise known as the magi’s, were the priests of the ancient Medes and Persians. After the rise of Zoroaster, they became the priests of the Zoroastrian religion. The ancient Greeks and Hebrews knew them as Astrologers, Interpreters of Dreams, and givers of Omens.
These magi’s have also been called the Kings or Priest in the Holy Bible. In example; in Mathew, chapter 2, the Magi’s came from the east following the Blazen Star that rose, to worship him (Jesus).
As described by Martinez de Pasqually’s Masonic Order (1760’s) called the (Elus Cohens) Elect Priests; whom were elucidated to the High Priests of the Bible, as early as the days of Abraham; the exalted father. Abraham is mentioned in a mythological sense in the Old Constitution of Freemasonry as having received Masonic (esoteric) Knowledge. Another important character to Abraham is Melchizedek (meaning priest of Salem (peace) and king of righteousness) who was the priest-king of Salem who blessed Abraham (Genesis 14:18-19) and was taken as a prototype of Christ’s priesthood (Hebrews 7). Melchizedek is said to be without genealogy and without beginning of days or end of life, but made like unto the Son of God, remaining a priest forever (Hebrew 7:3).
The Order of Knights Mason Elect Priests of the Universe is thought to have admitted women and also atheist, except for the final degree of the Rosey Cross. In the 1722 Old Constitution of Freemasonry (called “old” because it was said to have been originally written before 1222); on page 5, it states Abraham and his wife Sarah taught the Seven Liberal Sciences to the Egyptians, along with the first Charges of Freemasonry from the King of Babylon, known as Nimrod, Bacchus, the Son of Chus, and Baal, who was a Mason and served the Sciences. The Charges he gave to other masons were; to be true one to another, and love one another, and gave them charges concerning their sciences.
In order to keep my first shared response to this article short, I’ll come back full circle to the word theurgy; god working, which can be interpreted also as “the great work”. As it is written in the article, “Masonic tradition informs us; 12 out of 15 Fellowcrafts never come back from the wilderness; 1 out of 3 Grand Masters will not live (to) see completion of their work. What work? In my response -God’s work- Theurgy.
An in-depth explanation of the initiatic experience, as well as the power of secrets is available in John Michael Greer's book "Inside a Magical Lodge: Traditional Lodge Methods for Modern Mages". Brother Greer (he is a Mason) first defines "magic" in a modern sense. Then he details unique features of a "lodge," including lodges with various different foci. I found most interesting his in-depth exploration of the uses of ritual and symbolism.
Now is a good time to learn what magic exists in the human experience and its transformative effects.
I have not read that book, but i. have read some of Greer's other work and loved them.
The current version (2021) updates the previous version (1998).
Ordered. I look forward to reading this book. Thanks brother
A very good read. It brought to my mind how, as children, we are much more open to magic and magical experiences. As we grow older we begin to look at magic as foolishness and are “taught” to turn our minds to higher thoughts and deeper thinking. The Initiatic process can be the first step of removing our blinders and re-introducing magic back into our lives. To delve into the esoteric can be very transformative and magical.
This is a wonderful topic, and by that, I mean it is filled with potential spiritual wonder. As I stated in a previous post, I have studied the mystery religions since I was a teenager. But what I did not say is I have experimented with many Theurgic systems and have had many transformative experiences. All cultures and societies have an expression of the Theurgic stream, and in some societies, it is considered normal. The idea that Ritual can connect and elevate you to the divine, in a personal and intimate way is common, and for me real.
There are several elements that need to be present, in my experience, and when they are Theurgic experiences are probable. First the creation of sacred space is required. This can take many forms, but it must initiate the sense of liminal space in the person(s) operating the ritual. Liminal space is a setting that creates a feeling of otherworldliness in a person. Spooky is how many would describe it. Often the rituals will prescribe a setting that if done correctly will achieve this experience.
The next thing I have found that is necessary is that the operator has the correct mental posture. You need to have a strong need or desire for the Theurgic experience. This is not the place for doubt. Open mindedness is required because transformative experiences are by definition NOT what you expect.
Next, I find a coherent set of symbols. For example; a ritual setting utilizing Vajrayana symbols and a Christian format might be problematic. The symbols used must be consistent with the ritual, and using a set of ritual and symbols that are culturally familiar to the operator is best.
The last thing I have found is the need for preparation. There are no short cuts. Study, meditation, even restrictions of lifestyle, like fasting and abstinence can all contribute to the success of the operation, and again the rituals often prescribe the preparation. These experiences are not available to all people all the time. You cannot casually, perform ritual Theurgy by simply reading some magical words and expect a positive outcome. Issues or mental and emotional health must be considered. A well-balanced mind is essential to a safe and productive ritual. A famous ritualist, inside that community, Israel Regardie suggests that all who would practice these rituals should engage in psychotherapy as a safety measure.
Once the operator has performed the Theurgic ritual, I have found that it is best NOT to discuss it until you have integrated the experience. Personal divine experiences are just that personal, and discussion with others before its integration can dilute its affect.
So, are our rituals Theurgy? My answer is yes, if they are performed in the style I listed above. I can say without any doubt that these practices and the experiences derived from them have shaped my life, healed my wounds and transformed me as a man. I will continue this work as long as I am able. Our Lodges CAN be liminal spaces, our rituals and symbols are both coherent and based in our culture, our teachings, as prescribed in the Fellowcraft degree, train our minds to be open and analytical, our oaths prescribe our lifestyles and require silence concerning our Lodge experience, at least with the outside world. All the elements are present. If we are prepared, it can happen.
Why do we become Masons? Ostensibly, so that we may improve our families and communities through self-improvement. For much the same reasons, we attend to our devotions in our churches, temples, and synagogues. Is "magic" involved? Of course it is. What *is* magic? My dictionary defines magic as "... a secret or mysterious power over the imagination or will." I look at magic as knowing something that someone else does not know. To an aboriginal tribesman, a Bic lighter is magic. Our ritual has a sort of magic for me. (I cannot and will not attempt to speak for anyone else!) The Closing Charge at every meeting holds a special place in my soul: "Brethren, we are now about to quit this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue, to mingle again with the outer world." I depart a meeting feeling renewed and grateful for what time I may have left on this world. Mankind has long sought explanations for the way things are, and instruction on how to make them better. Freemasonry provides for me paths that I may follow to discover some of those answers. In the main, those answers lie within me, and my methods of engaging the "outer world." There is magic out there. We just need to open our eyes and ears to experience it.
With your permission, I will share my experiences with the following...
the Blue Lodge, Craft Masonry, is intrinsically and immutably, ritual magic.
• I believe through our ritual, we open a Portal that I certainly do not comprehend it’s total 360*. My Sensei, GM Morris Mack would state once you walked through the Dojo door (gate), You are in a different World, a Hall of Learning and Training. Leave the outer world outside.
• By physical crossing barriers/thresholds/perimeters, Indeed, when Sensei opened his Dojo through the Opening Ritual, he created sacredness, time and space, that is still growing in me. I believe when I have opened the Blue, Red, Purple and Black Easts, we created a Magick engram that is integrated in a collective thought form of all whom are present.
• Through study, inculation, and dwelling within sacred time and space we deposit these Magick Creations within the repository of our sacred breast.
• By degrees, these Magick Creations transforms us internally/spiritually, and we develop the wisdom to contrive, and strength to establish;
• Ultimately, by proper application of wisdom and strength, we become Magicians in the Jungian sense, manifesting the unrealities within our hearts; beauty to adorn the real world. Hence, The Universal Law of Manifestation.
Yes, I believe, the Blue Lodge, Craft Masonry, is intrinsically and immutably, ritual magick, that may create the unreal, REAL.
Greetings brothers, I am new to this site and wanted to take the opportunity to give my thanks for having me. I look forward to learning from the members here and I also would like to share my thoughts on the article "when worlds collide". One aspect that stood out to me was the word Theurgy.
Theurgy meaning as per Oxford’s Dictionary- the operation or effect of a supernatural or divine agency in human affairs.
Word originating from Greek; -Theo: god & -ergos: working
From the early Neoplatonic era, Theurgy became known or associated with magicians of white magic. These magicians or otherwise known as the magi’s, were the priests of the ancient Medes and Persians. After the rise of Zoroaster, they became the priests of the Zoroastrian religion. The ancient Greeks and Hebrews knew them as Astrologers, Interpreters of Dreams, and givers of Omens.
These magi’s have also been called the Kings or Priest in the Holy Bible. In example; in Mathew, chapter 2, the Magi’s came from the east following the Blazen Star that rose, to worship him (Jesus).
As described by Martinez de Pasqually’s Masonic Order (1760’s) called the (Elus Cohens) Elect Priests; whom were elucidated to the High Priests of the Bible, as early as the days of Abraham; the exalted father. Abraham is mentioned in a mythological sense in the Old Constitution of Freemasonry as having received Masonic (esoteric) Knowledge. Another important character to Abraham is Melchizedek (meaning priest of Salem (peace) and king of righteousness) who was the priest-king of Salem who blessed Abraham (Genesis 14:18-19) and was taken as a prototype of Christ’s priesthood (Hebrews 7). Melchizedek is said to be without genealogy and without beginning of days or end of life, but made like unto the Son of God, remaining a priest forever (Hebrew 7:3).
The Order of Knights Mason Elect Priests of the Universe is thought to have admitted women and also atheist, except for the final degree of the Rosey Cross. In the 1722 Old Constitution of Freemasonry (called “old” because it was said to have been originally written before 1222); on page 5, it states Abraham and his wife Sarah taught the Seven Liberal Sciences to the Egyptians, along with the first Charges of Freemasonry from the King of Babylon, known as Nimrod, Bacchus, the Son of Chus, and Baal, who was a Mason and served the Sciences. The Charges he gave to other masons were; to be true one to another, and love one another, and gave them charges concerning their sciences.
In order to keep my first shared response to this article short, I’ll come back full circle to the word theurgy; god working, which can be interpreted also as “the great work”. As it is written in the article, “Masonic tradition informs us; 12 out of 15 Fellowcrafts never come back from the wilderness; 1 out of 3 Grand Masters will not live (to) see completion of their work. What work? In my response -God’s work- Theurgy.
Brother Warren, your article is deep with rich consciousness, Gratitude's.
Thank you bro Ricardo