Like "This image alludes to a great and ancient philosophical truth; that through continued self improvement, man can work towards his own perfection. This is a great quest, a Masonic quest."
You hit the nail on the head, on what a Mason is about, and the art piece is the perfect representation of this. A quote from Samael Aun Weor that sums up the pathway to perfection is this: The greatest joy for the Gnostic is the discovery of some of his defects." The definition of Perfection is 'the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from flaws or defects.' Defects are products of negative characteristics we all have, thereby we all have an individual path to walk and overcome. This is common to Joseph Campbells 'a Hero's Journey,' or Carl Jung's shadow self. Furthermore as in your illustration the chiseling away from matter (the rock) is the self made man. The journey is inward and the place we face our own defects or devils. As understood from ancient writings such as in the book 'Le Comte of Gabalis,' the devil is dark thoughts or desires, Satan is the manifestation, and Lucifer is the Light Bringer, who sheds light, that these defects brings no satisfaction and a sin against God. Some may perceive the Lucifer as the Christ within. This inner light or self-cognizance, shows our defects keeping us chained to the prison of matter. Once we become aware of our defects, we are given the opportunity to restore the Temple, not made with hands, that is ourselves and our quest.
This could be used as a topic during a "Master's Moment" in Lodge! I will suggest it to our Worshipful Master.
Thank you VW! I'm glad you find it valuable enough to share the topic in your Lodge!
Like "This image alludes to a great and ancient philosophical truth; that through continued self improvement, man can work towards his own perfection. This is a great quest, a Masonic quest."
You hit the nail on the head, on what a Mason is about, and the art piece is the perfect representation of this. A quote from Samael Aun Weor that sums up the pathway to perfection is this: The greatest joy for the Gnostic is the discovery of some of his defects." The definition of Perfection is 'the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from flaws or defects.' Defects are products of negative characteristics we all have, thereby we all have an individual path to walk and overcome. This is common to Joseph Campbells 'a Hero's Journey,' or Carl Jung's shadow self. Furthermore as in your illustration the chiseling away from matter (the rock) is the self made man. The journey is inward and the place we face our own defects or devils. As understood from ancient writings such as in the book 'Le Comte of Gabalis,' the devil is dark thoughts or desires, Satan is the manifestation, and Lucifer is the Light Bringer, who sheds light, that these defects brings no satisfaction and a sin against God. Some may perceive the Lucifer as the Christ within. This inner light or self-cognizance, shows our defects keeping us chained to the prison of matter. Once we become aware of our defects, we are given the opportunity to restore the Temple, not made with hands, that is ourselves and our quest.