Traditionally, May 30th is the day that we in the United States set aside to remember all those who have lost their lives while in military service. May we as Freemasons, throughout the English speaking world, take a few minutes to reflect on all those who gave everything in order to protect our freedoms and our way of life.
Without the ultimate sacrifice that was offered by so many, the light we now enjoy would have been smothered under the darkness of tyranny long ago. Certainly Freemasonry would not exist, or at least not exist openly, for Freemasonry has always been prohibited by those regimes that seek to control the minds of men.
But while we reflect, and give thanks to all those who gave everything to us, let us also hope for an even brighter future. Let us hope for a future of peace between men and nations.
Freemasonry has been rightly described as The Great Peace Society Of The World.
It is described this way because Freemasonry seeks to build bonds of friendship and brotherhood between men around the world. By removing the artificial barriers of sectarian religion, partisan politics, and national divisions.
Freemasonry teaches us that while we should ever be patriotic and loyal citizens, we can and should reach our hand across our nation’s borders, in order to create fellowship with all men of goodwill. No matter where they might live.
Freemasonry teaches us that while men of goodwill may disagree, vehemently, on political issues, we must leave politics in its rightful place. That we can and should reach out in friendship to all good men in the world, not only those men who hold political views similar to our own.
Freemasonry teaches us that every man has a right to his own mind and faith when it comes to matters of religion. That what matters is that each man recognize a higher power than himself, and that beyond that, no other man has a right to inquire or interfere.
Through these central tenets, Freemasonry has built a worldwide brotherhood that encompasses men of all countries, in all climates, of all religions, and all political persuasions. And has maintained that brotherhood for centuries.
When the day eventually comes that all good men, everywhere, put aside all of the artificial divisions thrust up between men, our world will truly find peace.
Tyrants of course understand this clearly, and they do not seek peace. It is for that reason that Freemasonry and Freemasons have been suppressed, outlawed, and murdered by tyrants. Only in free nations1 has Freemasonry ever been allowed to flourish openly.
But today, in the United States, we face a culture, a mass media, and a political class that seek to throw up new and ever higher barriers between men.
It seems not enough now for men to disagree about a political topic, it seems that we are now pushed to question the motives and morality of anyone who disagrees with us. It seems that anyone with whom we disagree must be dismissed somehow as being either stupid or evil.
Media no longer seems intent upon publishing the truth, rather in following a partisan agenda. Both sides of every argument have their own media outlets championing their cause instead of trying to honestly explain.
Politicians and political groups have created an art form out of fundraising and gathering votes through division. They work, each and every day, to divide men into ever smaller groups, pitting them against all others. In this way they succeed in getting our donations and our votes.
Standing against this never ending onslaught is Freemasonry. It often seems Freemasonry alone.
What other organization now exists that seeks to remove rather than create barriers between men? What other organization truly seeks peace between all men of goodwill, regardless of where they were born or what they believe about politics or God?
We, as Freemasons, hold the antidote to the sickness of artificial division, anger, and hate that is infecting our society.
Yet we must remain ever vigilant.
We must ensure that we ourselves do not get caught up in the promotion of division. That we do not allow our own political anger to overcome our better natures and spill out into public hatred.
Freemasonry’s gentle influence has always impacted society for the good. It will again, if we remain strongly committed to its eternal principals.
Rummer & Grapes No. 2
I do not know if the readers of Emeth will be around this holiday weekend, or if everyone is out playing, so I’m not sure if our weekly zoom gathering, Rummer & Grapes will be well attended, or if I’ll be alone. No matter, I plan on opening it like always, and if you want to join in, I look forward to spending some time with you, talking about Freemasonry!
I’ll open Zoom at 7:30 this evening. Login information will go out via email to those with a paid subscription to Emeth at 3:00 PM Pacific time.
If you would like to join in this Zoom gathering, but need to upgrade your subscription to do so, please do it before 3:00 this afternoon to ensure that you receive the information.
As in previous weeks, we can talk about what was discussed on Emeth over the past week, talk about what we would like to discuss in the future, and of course toast each other and our Ancient Craft. Please have your favorite toasting glass, and something good to put in it, for as always, Masonry is a celebration of light, and we shall toast!
The meeting agenda will be informal, but it will be interesting! It always is.
I look forward to seeing you this evening!
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I’d love to have you as a subscriber, on either the no cost free plan, or the paid plan. Subscribers to both can expect to receive a discussion topic every weekday, and an essay every Sunday, all focused exclusively on Freemasonry.
We had a number of excellent discussions about Freemasonry this past week.
All of the discussion topics (with the exception of our Live Open Thread) remain open. Please browse the chats there, and if you feel so inclined, jump in with your own perspective and opinion.
We discussed Initiation, and the impact Masonic Initiation can have in our lives.
Related to that, we discussed One Day Conferrals, not surprisingly, I think that everyone feels they are a truly awful idea.
Sticking with the theme of Initiation, we discussed the creation of an educational program for candidates that could be provided before the First Degree, in order to assist with the understanding of that Degree.
Leaving the theme of Initiation, we discussed the history of the Master Mason Degree.
We ended the week discussing the Expectations we have for new Masons, and how or even if those are communicated to them.
Thank You!
I’d like to start by saying Thank You to everyone who holds a paid subscription to Emeth. I am deeply honored by your support. Please know that Emeth would not be possible without you.
I also owe a great debt of gratitude to everyone who comments on Emeth’s discussion topics, and my essays. The wisdom that is shared is truly superb, and I know that it is making a positive impact.
I’d like to thank everyone who has a no cost subscription to Emeth, and reads my words. I hope that you find value here, and that you can use Emeth in both your own personal Masonic journey, and in improving your Lodge.
Lastly, I’d like to give a big Thank You to everyone who forwards Emeth on to their Masonic friends and brothers. It is due to your recommendation that Emeth is able to keep growing, and through that growth it will have an ever larger positive impact on our Fraternity.
Just In Case You Missed It
Before I go, a personal note, if I might.
A few short months ago, my wife Melinda lost her last remaining grandparent, her Grandmother Doreen who passed away at the age of 99. I am blessed to have two remaining, my paternal grandparents, Cliff and Rose. Unfortunately Cliff is in the last stages of life this weekend. As I reflect upon his life, I must say that it was full, and it made an impact. A farmer all his life, but not limited by that, he was a traveler throughout the world, President of the School Board, a County Commissioner and a County Councilman (neat trick that), a Senator, and Chairman of the Board of Compass Health, a major mental health provider with 19 locations throughout the north Puget Sound area.
I bring this up, not as a way of seeking sympathy, but because it seems that death of close family members has been a fairly constant thing for me the past few years. I think that I’ve been helped through that by Freemasonry, most especially I think through the Scottish Rite. Studying the Scottish Rite Degrees as a part of the Master Craftsman program years ago helped to mature my own feelings about death, and the fact that we will all eventually meet our own demise.
This is, I think, just another way that Freemasonry has made a positive impact in my own life, and yet another reason I am so committed to its success.
With the notable exception of Castro’s Cuba.
Freedom is constantly under attack by political and religious leaders. The goal of tyrants is absolute control. Cultivating hate is how they trick people into accepting that control. See how recently the media fomented hatred of people who wanted to exercise the right to assemble and the right to worship. Right now, that same hatred is being encouraged against those who choose not to get vaccinated. Governors Brown, Inslee, Whitmer, and Newsom are currently suggesting forced home arrest and/or concentration camps for the unvaccinated and have already ordered vaccine passports. "Your papers!". How are these actions not evil?
This article was on point! Thank you Cameron. I also felt new media has become entertainment at best, much like talks how's of the 90s: Jerry Springerish. The first two responses brings up a valid argument. Are we supposed to stand by idlely or speak up? Which causes division? Pointing out a curupt political authoritarian or not doing or saying anything about it?