I hope this message finds you well.

My name is W.Bro. David Taylor from Queensland in Australia. I recently came across Emeth when I was researching content for a project I’m working on. While I have nowhere near your Masonic provenance, I have been a member for many years of the Craft, Royal Arch, Scottish Rite and other orders.

May I first congratulate you on both the energy that you are putting into and the success of Emeth. I just saw your post about recognition from Substack. This is fantastic recognition of your hard work.

I am writing to you because for the last 3 years I have been engaged in a project of my own, ‘From the Quarries’. This is a YouTube channel and website dedicated to preserving and sharing Masonic wisdom with brethren worldwide that may otherwise be lost or forgotten. I currently have about 3000 subscribers across YouTube and the website and get 5000-6000 video views a week. Of late I have been giving informal video presentations to groups of Masons in a number of jurisdictions in Australia and producing videos for educational use in both the UK and USA.

I really think the both Emeth and From the Quarries are working to the same purpose and with the same aims. I was wondering if you would be interested in some form of collaboration?

Initially, I would be more than happy to promote Emeth and maybe host some of your videos on my channel, but I can think of so many other ways in which such a collaboration could truly enhance the universal brotherhood of the Craft and prove that ‘the sun is always at meridian’.

If interested, you can find my content at:



Fraternal regards

David Taylor

Halycon No. 492 (UGLQ)

Southern Cross RAC No. 17 (SGRACQ)

Darling Downs AASR No. 18 (Scottish Rite for Scotland)

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W. Brother,

Thank you for providing your links here! I enjoyed going through your extensive content, and subscribed to your YouTube feed, and your blog. I salute you for all that you are creating!

Yes, of course, collaboration seems like a great idea. I'm not sure how we can best go about it, but it would be great to work together. Please just shoot me your ideas for that. I can be reached directly by hitting reply to any email from Emeth.

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It’s uplifting to read brother Taylor’s message about trying to educate and in gauge more Masons. Maybe the electronic age will be one of the best things for Masonry in the very near future.

I look forward to our Sunday night get together and pick something up just about every week.

Just ordered Esoterica after listening to it for the last three days. I’m searching all the time for ways to engage other brothers to get more out of being a Mason than just memorizing the words.

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I look forward to seeing you tomorrow too Brother!

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We say in the UK we take good men and make them better

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The same saying is quite popular here as well! We just have to do our best to ensure that the promise is actualized!

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"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." -Ephesians 6:12

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Thank you Brother. That is eminently fitting, and certainly true.

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Very educational context my friend. I hope to see the fraternal brotherly contact expand in the way of masonic light with the new generation steadfast at learning the importance of masonic research this year. Be blessed throughout next time, and 'As Above So Below'. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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I listened to this several times. Living in darkness for so many years has been very difficult to know and understand truth. I wholeheartedly believe in the teachings provided in this audio and I myself am seeking Light

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