Emeth Podcast
Podcast: The Future Of Freemasonry

Podcast: The Future Of Freemasonry

The sun is rising in the East

Please join me as I record a talk that I first gave in May of 2021 to the Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington.

It is about the future of Freemasonry, the bright future our Ancient Craft faces, and the work we must do, and the changes that we must make, if that bright future is to be realized.

I hope that you enjoy hearing these words, and that you find within them actionable things that you can take back to your own Lodge to improve the Lodge experience for yourself and your Brothers. I hope that the ideas presented help in the quest to create truly Legendary Freemasonry.

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If you prefer to read the text of this talk, it can be found here:

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Emeth Podcast
Creating Legendary Freemasonry and improving the Lodge Experience for all Masons, from the newest Entered Apprentice to the Grand East.