I think that we have all seen, or heard about, many of our young people getting into trouble, beginning immoral lives, and spiraling downward. I think that for some kids, the only real role models they have are rock stars and professional athletes, and in far too many cases, those are not whom we want our youth to be looking up to.
So, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that our kids, and in most Mason’s cases, grandkids have good role models to emulate.
That is I think where our Masonic youth organizations come in.
These groups aren’t perfect, for no organization created by man can be perfect, but they are filled with youth whom younger kids would do well to emulate. That makes these groups, to my mind, extremely valuable.
Most Washington Freemasons know that my own granddaughter spends quite a bit of time around Masons. She participated in my installation as Grand Master (being four years old she believes that in doing so she was made into a Queen) and on the weekend I am speaking of she attended three separate Lodge events. When she is at a Masonic event with me, I don’t have to worry, because I know that the Masons and their ladies will ensure that she is well. It is much the same with our youth orders.
As soon as she is old enough to do so, she and I will start attending Rainbow1 together.
Honestly, I find Rainbow meetings to be odd. (It couldn’t be otherwise for I am a grizzled old geezer, and Rainbow is composed of teenagers.) But that’s OK, because I have seen the young women who emerge from Rainbow as they reach adulthood. Universally they are superb young women. Young women who served as truly wonderful role models for the younger members of their Chapter.
So, the Kid and I, and probably Melinda too, we will go to Rainbow. I can confidently know that she will love it, for I well remember my own childhood. Kids always love hanging out with their grandparents. It is always deemed much better than hanging out with the parents.
We will go to Rainbow, and she will be exposed to older girls whom will be excellent role models.
We can’t as parents, or grandparents, ever control everyone our kids are exposed to, nor chose their friends for them. But we can ensure that our kids are given the opportunity to interact with those who they would do well to emulate, and I know that doing so gives our kids a great leg up in life.
What I don’t understand is why more Masonic and OES/Amaranth grandparents don’t drag their grandchildren with them to our youth orders? The kids would love it, for kids want to spend time with their grandparents.
Not to mention, the parents would probably appreciate the break.
Just in case you missed it:
I am speaking of Rainbow because it is the girl’s organization that has a Chapter in my local Masonic Temple. DeMolay and Job’s Daughters are both excellent as well.
I was not aware of Masonic youth groups when I was younger, however as a Mason I have tried to be involved as much as my cable-tow allows.
My own daughters are now deeply involved with their local Rainbow Assembly and I would absolutely agree with your comments.
I am pretty well connected with our Boys Chapter in my home Lodge (not the same as the Assembly) and they are and all the groups seem to be struggling a bit for membership.
I wondered how we can get more new members and I noticed that it usually isn't a "kid issue" in that once they are there, they usually enjoy themselves. However the "getting there" part is often the difficult part.
So I believe our role as Masons or affiliated adults of these youth groups, is to encourage the parents, and aunts and uncles, and especially the grandparents that we know, to bring these kids to the appropriate meetings or events.
I believe that is the key to membership success. And almost inevitably, we the adults have fun as well.
I LOVED my time in DeMolay. MW Cameron is right it is a fantastic place to learn from role models both the other members and the advisors (the adults who supervise). In DeMolay I learned how to speak in public without feeling like I was going to vomit. I learned how to shake hands, to look someone in the eye, and to memorize and properly deliver ritual.
I learned that you can walk up to a girl, ask her to dance, and she can actually say yes. Most importantly, I started learning what it's like to be a good friend and brother. I have learned a lot more about that as a Mason, but DeMolay is where it started.