My personal favorite is the Fellowcraft Degree and in particular the Middle Chamber Lecture. I was fortunate to have VWB Cary Cope presenting it. He made it seem like an educational walk with a friend explaining everything you were seeing for the first time.
That Degree was also the first time I had been in a different Lodge than my …
My personal favorite is the Fellowcraft Degree and in particular the Middle Chamber Lecture. I was fortunate to have VWB Cary Cope presenting it. He made it seem like an educational walk with a friend explaining everything you were seeing for the first time.
That Degree was also the first time I had been in a different Lodge than my own due to maintenance. I was able to meet many Brothers at Monroe Lodge 160 and had the opportunity to see a different location. That alone makes me want to travel and see more.
The very finest delivery of any Lecture that I have ever seen was the Fellowcraft Degree Lecture, delivered to me, by VW Cope! Also in SM 160.
I've mentioned to people before, he was so good at it that I didn't even realize for a while that he was delivering a lecture. I just thought we were wandering around the Lodge room and he was showing me interesting things.
VW Cary does excellent degree work. I’ve seen him confer, and when he was selected to perform the MCL for the 2nd TorchLight degree, with me doing the ‘G’ lecture, it was an honor to watch Cary do his magic. VW Cary was also an inspiration for me to attain a Certificate of proficiency for all three degrees. It took me a few years, but I think it was worth it.
VW Jeremy Yielding is kind of the equivalent of Cary in the Tacoma area, demonstrating great degree work as well. WB Kris Graap in Olympia. I’m sure there’s others in our Jurisdiction as well. We need more of them, and I know of ways to inspire others to learn the work.
My personal favorite is the Fellowcraft Degree and in particular the Middle Chamber Lecture. I was fortunate to have VWB Cary Cope presenting it. He made it seem like an educational walk with a friend explaining everything you were seeing for the first time.
That Degree was also the first time I had been in a different Lodge than my own due to maintenance. I was able to meet many Brothers at Monroe Lodge 160 and had the opportunity to see a different location. That alone makes me want to travel and see more.
Well golly, this is interesting Brother!
The very finest delivery of any Lecture that I have ever seen was the Fellowcraft Degree Lecture, delivered to me, by VW Cope! Also in SM 160.
I've mentioned to people before, he was so good at it that I didn't even realize for a while that he was delivering a lecture. I just thought we were wandering around the Lodge room and he was showing me interesting things.
VW Cary does excellent degree work. I’ve seen him confer, and when he was selected to perform the MCL for the 2nd TorchLight degree, with me doing the ‘G’ lecture, it was an honor to watch Cary do his magic. VW Cary was also an inspiration for me to attain a Certificate of proficiency for all three degrees. It took me a few years, but I think it was worth it.
VW Jeremy Yielding is kind of the equivalent of Cary in the Tacoma area, demonstrating great degree work as well. WB Kris Graap in Olympia. I’m sure there’s others in our Jurisdiction as well. We need more of them, and I know of ways to inspire others to learn the work.