Wow.....I just wrote a nice comment and it didn't save because I appearantly wasn't logged in. I long in and ....poof. no comment. Bummer. In a nut shell....virtual platforms good for the lodge, our elders who cannot come to lodge and brothers out of state can visit.
Wow.....I just wrote a nice comment and it didn't save because I appearantly wasn't logged in. I long in and ....poof. no comment. Bummer. In a nut shell....virtual platforms good for the lodge, our elders who cannot come to lodge and brothers out of state can visit.
Wow.....I just wrote a nice comment and it didn't save because I appearantly wasn't logged in. I long in and ....poof. no comment. Bummer. In a nut shell....virtual platforms good for the lodge, our elders who cannot come to lodge and brothers out of state can visit.
VW Brother: The best solution to all computer problems is to whack it with a hammer! I'm certain of it!
Or blame the guy who runs this Emeth operation, whoever the heck he is.
Yeah....well......I should demand a refund.....the guy who runs this emeth is a bit (unslim) shady.....
Agreed. That Bailey guy's a jerk. ;-)