Mar 19, 2021Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

Good question, RW Cameron.

The doors of Freemasonry are open to all men who seek harmony with their fellow man; however, I feel it’s important to not hand a potential candidate a petition for the degrees of Masonry until they’ve showed enough interest in being a part of our beloved Fraternity.

In Silverdale Lodge No. 311 we don’t give out a petition until the member has showed up repeatedly to our weekly meetings or practices to eat and fellowship before we get down to business. We encourage the member to sit down and talk with the Past Masters over a hot meal, we share our experiences and make sure the member has a clear understanding of what will be expected of them their first year.

It is also important to ask what it is they wish to achieve, explain the importance of family support, and if they’re military, find out when they expect to transfer and if joining the Lodge would interfere with their military duty’s or advancement.

Most importantly, Freemasonry isn’t for everyone, so before we hand the potential candidate a petition, we make sure he’s a good fit for 311 and our Craft, and we also make sure the member feels at home and comfortable in the Lodge.

When it comes time to ballot, we want all our members to have gotten a chance to know the potential candidate and to you feel good about their decision before they cast and their vote!

Happy Friday! Hope to see everyone on Sunday for our Zoom fellowship!

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Mar 19, 2021Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

As with any potential candidate, the lodge needs to get to know the person. Serious, probing, conversations need to had. Not closed ended yes and no answer questions but, what brought you to our door questions. Tell us about your life questions, your life goals questions. It’s only through these types of conversations that a person reveals their true selves, and the ones asking the questions need to be open as well. I think we need to learn how to ask hard questions and not worry about upsetting the potential candidate. The reputation of our fraternity hangs in the balance with the initiation of each new brother.

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The TV show doesn't appear to have anything to do with freemasons, or the lost symbol. It's supposedly set as a prequel to the books/movies, with Robert Langdon much younger.

But we as an organization have faced media exposure before, with movies like National Treasure.

Two hundred years ago cities were much smaller, with rare exceptions of places like NY and Philly. Most towns had lodges, and everyone knew about the freemasons, and usually who were members. It typically was the business men and public servants, the ones who usually ran things.

Nowadays it's the middle class folks who make up the majority of members, and towns usually don't know or care about the fraternity. When I tell someone I'm a member, just about universally they have no idea who the freemasons are and didn't even know where the lodge was in town.

It used to be that roads leading into towns would have a welcome sign, with a number of plaques below it showcasing the civic organizations in the city, like the Kiwanis, the various animal lodges, and the freemasons. We had one here in Port Orchard, but when they put in one of many stupid traffic circles, they ripped down the old sign, put up a new (stupid) one, and did away with the plaques that used to hang below it.

And if they do know where the lodge is, the building itself is probably falling apart, with leaking roofs, peeling paint and badly lit. The interiors probably look like something from the 70s, dingy and musty. I have seen some really beautiful lodges, where it was obvious that the members had the resources to update and maintain their buildings, but not all lodges are in such good financial shape.

All of this, I think, has as much of an impact of attracting new members as the media. Maybe more. It probably doesn't affect lodges around military towns, as military members are used to working in dingy and musty old buildings.

So, a man sees a movie or TV show that mentions the freemasons, and on a whim starts trying to find one to make that first contact. They don't know about grand lodges or how things are structured. They do a google search and once they get past all the illuminati and devil worship discussions, they may stumble on a website for the lodge in their area, which hasn't been updated since 2007 and the email accounts listed haven't been checked in years. Or worse (as in our lodge's case years ago) the website address expired from neglect, and was taken over by some Japanese vegetable gardening page.

And after all of that, they finally get to meet someone at the lodge, and they see dingy and musty.

After watching a lot of TV shows on the history channel, or netflix about freemasons, you're presented with beautiful buildings, with ornate tapestries, polished woodwork, tasteful artwork and refined elegance. The best I can describe reality is...neglected utilitarian.

Sorry, once again, I tend to ramble on and on. And I don't think I answered a single question you raised, although I am sure others will.

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Mar 19, 2021Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

This topic speaks to why I almost gave up on Washington Freemasonry.

I joined Freemasonry in 2013 based on my preconcieved notion as an outsider as to what the group was all about and what it was that my childhood hero found in the group that I could emulate to become a better man.

The latter is the only reason I didn't leave.

There is a connection that causes me to try and repair or rebuild the fraternity from within, to make it more like what it should or could be. Most candidates don't have that. Most are asking to join solely based on what the see from the outside and maybe because they respect a friend who they later find to be a Brother and ask the question.

The Lodge I joined wasn't really involved in the community. They didn't support the youth groups dependent on them. They didn't have Masonic Education to speak of. There was a handfull of ritual proficient Brethren who performed the Work throughout the district. They grew increasingly frustrated at the lack of effort and those who chose not to make it of the same importance and that the esoteric work suffered because of it. This Lodge expected you to become proficient in ritual only to the end that it qualified you to occupy a chair and progress through the line qualified or not and I believe attendance, visitation and the Lodge as a whole suffered because of it. New members left and never came back.

I got to the south and then I left. I found another Lodge that fit my expectations and fed my Masonic mind. A Lodge that had a plan and expectations for the Brethren looking to progress. I found a Lodge of Brethren that believe in the Six Steps to Initiation or a version thereof to ensure we retain the new members and provide something of quality to them.

We receive men from all walks of life looking for all different kinds of things. Whether they are looking to emulate a hero of theirs, carry on a family tradition or find what they believe are lost secrets of the universe, it is our obligation to communicate with them openly and honestly. There may not be validity to the Dan Brown stories, however the secrets of Masonry and the esoteric work may speak to those who thought thats what they were looking for.

I stood up in my Lodge when I was at my breaking point and asked what we were doing there. What we were learning other than memorizing ritual. What was the meaning and what was the purpose? I was arrogant and knew very little. I was ambitious and wide eyed but no one had told me before what a Past Master stood up to tell me that night.

"This is your journey. My journey is not the same as yours. We are different men from different lives. I can't tell you what to read, what truths you need to know, those are for you to find for yourself."

It changed my Masonic journey completely. What I learned from that was that as I asked to be a member, I also needed to continue to ask for Light. I have kept that in mind from then on. I know no one will tell me their truth. They will help me understand if I ask, but only if they are safe from ridicule and judgment. There is no one explanation, no one correct interpretation. All of it speaks to the individual and the Light is unique to his path.

If we can establish an environment of sharing, learning and asking questions with no judgment or ridicule then we may have a place for all who seek to find their Masonic Light.

Not everyone should be let through those gates in the West. If I am balloting I feel it is my duty to my Lodge and to my Masonic journey to know the man waiting downstairs to hear the news. I expect the same from the entire Lodge. If we don't all know the man how can we let him into this sacred band of Brothers? They should attend many gatherings and many discussions should be had to get to the core of the man not only to understand who he is but why he is here and how to ensure that he never forgets to ask for more in search of Light.

The paths are as many as there are Brethren. We find them the right fit whether its our Lodge or another and we communicate consistently and frequently not just to have them hear our words but for us to hear his and provide feedback to sustain his search.

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

RW Cameron,

I am enjoying Emeth, it is a wonderful place to discuss and read the thoughts of brother MM and interact with them in a safe place digitally. As far as the West Gate...

I feel every Master Mason in good standing that is active in his lodge has a duty to guard the West gate of his lodge. I say this because the brothers before me in my lodge did a great job of guarding the West Gate. In my lodge when Guarding the West Gate the brothers ensures that the candidate should pass through some steps. We make sure the candidate is:

-Sound of mind and character and want to improve himself. We openly ask the candidate what attracted him to Masonry, and then clear up any misunderstanding he might have read on the internet or see on TV that is false about our craft.

-We tell him who we are, and what we do for our community. We also let him know Masonry isn't for every man... We invite the candidate to some of our functions inside and outside of the lodge. Those functions include street clean up, volunteering to set up and take down at music in the park, fellowship over a beer, fellowship at game night, stated dinners, and getting breakfast and lunch with us casually. We want to make sure the candidate is a good fit and an asset to the lodge, and the skills he bring to the lodge will benefit the lodge.

-If he is willing to partake in the functions and show regular attendance, we give him a paragraph of masonic writings to memorize in a timely manner. Once the candidate submit to our request and recite what we ask him to memorize, only then the candidate is given a petition.

Giving a petition to a candidate is something sacred, as if giving him the golden ticket to Charlie's Chocolate Factory. In my experience, receiving the degrees of Masonry is like the right of passage for a man. Like you said," For an unsuitable man in our Lodge will drive ten good men away...Men who we decide are suitable for our Ancient Craft. We will initiate them."

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