I don't think we as a fraternity has had that big of an impact on the world, honestly. If we did there would be a lot less strife and wickedness. The ideals that birthed this country weren't solely masonic, as a desire for freedom is universal. In fact, if you take our instructions of today and apply them 250 years ago, we'd still be part of the British Empire.

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If freemasonry never existed, the world would have had less civility, less brotherhood, Less charity, less tolerance, less free medical, less schooling (education), less world leaders who shaped the world and less gatherings of many nations of the world.

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I think we, as a Fraternity, sometimes believe that we need to be so secretive that we harm our good works. I also believe that Masons also place their positions as Freemasons beneath their obligations. If it were otherwise we still wouldn’t have the issues with the PH lodges in different jurisdictions. We wouldn’t succumb to fear mongering and be proponents of truth and freedom. Yes, I agree with Brother Lamb that Freemasonry has provided great medical facilities and educational advancement but we don’t (I include myself) have the difficult conversation that we should be having or take an unpopular position when the truth should be heralded for all to hear.

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