Apr 20, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

While our lodge uses the posting lecture, in the past we've had to use other methods for some brothers. Imagine trying to read a cipher with dyslexia. I believe in the end it should be about what happened to you during the degree and what does it mean to you.

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In NC, we have what's called a catechism. It is memorized and given mouth to ear by the coach. In our lodge we ask one of the first line signers to be a mentor along this man's journey. The catechism includes the obligation, and a lecture describing the degree and working tools. The Hermetic art of memory.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

Historically, our candidates would memorize and recite the full Q&A. But for the past twenty, candidates were allowed to return just the grips, etc, and obligation. Retention and interest has been in a long slow slide. This past year, an ambitious young man was presented the full Q&A to learn, by a PM who had recently moved to town from a jurisdiction where this is still the only way. He took to it and knuckles down. The elder brothers nearly cried to see him return his work. Our GM was present for his near-flawless MM proficiency. He is now happily engaged learning the ritual work, and helping mentor our even newer men. We have four EAs, two petitions up for balloting, and sixteen inquiries in the queue.

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I've seen a wide variety of differing methods and opinions concerning returning proficiency. When I joined, I was coached by a mentor (VWB Orton Krueger, who recently passed away) and he was the gatekeeper as far as determining whether I was proficient enough or not. Every week he would sit down and patiently work with me on memorizing the posting lecture, and once he was satisfied I knew it by heart, he told the lodge, and my next degree was scheduled. Bro Orton probably mentored a thousand masons that way.

But, as I went up the line, the lodge changed things at my insistence, that the brothers actually return their proficiency (posting lecture) in lodge during a stated meeting. I felt this gave two benefits to the member and the lodge. First, that he actually learned the posting lecture, and second, he displayed the ability to publicly speak.

I am a firm believer that the posting lectures are vital in a young mason's progression, as it provides a foundation for actually learning the ritual, if and when that brother decides the assume greater responsibilities. If you can't memorize the posting lecture, you can't be expected to hold a pillared office and perform the functions expected of you.

Recently I attended two different lodges where the WM was openly reading from the standard work to open and close their lodge. In one of those lodges it was both the WM and the JW.

Now, some folks thinks that's perfectly fine. They will argue that those brothers are otherwise great masons, and it shouldn't matter if they memorized the work or not.

The ritual is what sets us apart from all of the other fraternal organizations. It is part of the system and shouldn't be shortcutted for convenience.

Some will argue that learning the ritual is too hard for some folks. That is true. But, if you've memorized the pledge of allegiance, or your home address, then it's not impossible. It just means some folks will have to work harder to do so. And if that is still too much work, then find a position within the lodge that doesn't require memorization of the work.

Then there is the issue with public speaking. Yes, fear of public speaking is a real phobia, and I get that. I used to get butterflies when getting up before an audience (and I still do occasionally if I am not comfortable with the ritual parts I've memorized), but as with other things, it gets easier with practice. The biggest hurdle for me was lack of confidence in the beginning. Over time, however, as I became more comfortable with the ritual, those butterflies would slowly go away.

As MW would attest, I've seen a brother absolutely crash and burn as the SD. He had spent a long time working on memorizing the parts, but when it came time to preform, he was overcome with stage fright, and froze. As he stood there, his anxiety got worse and worse, and was reduced to tears.

During a degree for an EA.

This, my brothers, should never have happened. It was embarrassing for that brother, for the candidate, and for the entire lodge. It is NOT how we conduct a degree - the degree that poor candidate will never get to experience again. And why? Certainly not for that candidates benefit. But, that brother was given a pass for not memorizing the posting lecture. He was advanced through the degrees thinking well, he's just not going to take a chair more important than chaplain. But with a different leadership, things changed, and suddenly, over my objections, he was set to be installed right off the bat as SD. SD, the second hardest (maybe even the hardest) chair to assume, as far as the ritual work is concerned. And the results were inevitable.

Will that brother succeed as a WM? He's a fine mason, hard working and wanting to contribute to the lodge. But, as far as ritual goes, he's just not cut out for it. And especially for a degree, as a lodge, it is of the utmost importance that the lodge provides the best possible experience for that candidate that it can.

Out of all of the chairs I've filled and degrees I've participated in, conferring a degree on a new brother is the single most humbling and important thing I've done. I love the fact that I provided that degree to that man, and made every effort to make it as memorable as I could. I also feel that if you've advanced through the chairs to the east having not performed a conferral, you've robbed yourself of the single most important part of your masonic career.

Sorry for the rambling.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

Our Lodge has been working to enhance our Degree experience. Initially, with more impressive and engaging Degrees, then through the proficiency work.

To be considered ‘proficient’ in a Degree, the candidate must;

1. Work with the mentor to review questions about the Degree provided by our Grand Lodge, then answer 3-5 of them in Lodge. This is to show they know the ‘book answer’ to questions about the Degree and to get them comfortable contributing in-Lodge.

2. Present a 5-10 minute presentation on a topic from the Degree that they’ve researched on their own, with their interpretation. This is to show they have thought about the lessons of the Degree.

At this point we will schedule the next Degree. Then, just before conferring the next Degree we will have them recite the catechism of the previous Degree. This is to show we can entrust them with the lessons of that Degree, having committed them to memory, but also to prevent them from thinking ahead. With all their thought focused on the catechism, it helps to ward off thinking about what the next Degree will hold, leaving them fresh for the lessons therein.

After a Brother has received the Master Mason Degree, they are encouraged to complete their Proficiency in Lodge Management, which is an Officer Proficiency offered in our Jurisdiction. As an incentive to our current Officers, the Lodge will enroll those who have completed their PiLM into the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman ‘Symbolic Lodge’ Course.

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

I was initiated, passed and raised in NC, but now reside in WA. It was quite shock to see that WA candidates were able to access a cypher immediately after receiving the EA degree. In NC , everything was strictly mouth to ear and there was only one option, which is the catechism performed in open Lodge at a stated communication. Also, my coach had to vouch for my readiness to perform the catechism. It was on his honor and reputation to ensure that I was proficient.

Here in WA the candidate can opt to prove up by meeting with three Master Masons in a more intimate setting.

The NC cypher was referred to as the OSW and is much more difficult to de-cypher than the WA Standard Work. I was not able to even obtain a copy of the OSW until I was raised.

Frankly, I think the NC approach is a far superior process to become a Mason since the bar is set significantly higher and at a minimum the candidate has to demonstrate basic proficiency.

To pay homage to my WA Masonic jurisdiction, I have completed the PiLM. Ritual proficiency is extremely important to me. The PiLM was particularly necessary for me as I constantly struggle to replace a head full of NC ritual and codes with Washington Masonry so that I properly operate within the light of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

Standard work has a lot of latitude on proficiency by committee or open lodge. When I was Master I had one of the most comment mentors and with his committee you knew the candidate was ready for the next step. The 1st and 2nd degree could be done at committee level BUT the 3rd degree the requirement was in open lodge with the full posting lecture. Proficiency for the member should be the goal of all member's. With that said I encouraged the officers Junior & Senior Wardens to prepare for the SW competition with very good results as you know David Ellis won the state competition when you were GM. This has become important to our lodge as we have started weekly section's for anyone who want to attend to become more proficient in all aspects of Masonry.

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Great question Brother. We do the memory part, the Q&A and obligation before they can pass to the next degree. But we also have a mentorship program where a PM also coaches them on the context and meaning of each degree, what the obligation and even movement about the Lodge means in each degree. The F.C. lecture is always given. At each degree, the new Brothers also give a 10-15 minute presentation on their understanding of where they are in the journey.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

I recently got raised, and it took me about a year to do so. I took plenty of time in each degree, and really enjoyed learning the proficiency and delivering it to my lodge. Here in CO we give out a paper cleartext(mostly) for that degree only, and in my lodge my WM also gives out a small 3 ring binder with more info on the degree, where it came from, etc. I think having to memorize it mouth-to-ear would have been a huge turnoff for me, due to a chaotic schedule and my lodge brothers having busy lives themselves. Having the paper there for me to practice anytime I could time it was great since I could move myself forward bit by bit. I did, and still do, practice with others of my same degree, but without being to practice by myself it would take that much longer (also sometimes the brother with whom I practice has it wrong too - having an official copy means we can correct each other).

I don't like the idea of an open book test generally, but if someone had a disability and that was the best way to help correct for it, and they clearly made sufficient effort but were unable to otherwise post their proficiency, I'd probably be OK with that.

I will say, in my lodge, we have one brother who works on all 3 degrees to help people through them, and in my best friend's lodge they have separate brothers who mentor through each degree - I think I prefer his lodge's way of doing that as it gets you in contact with more of the brethren, but only works if you have enough brothers to do that and do it well.

I read some comments that some people don't have to give the [full] proficiency; I must say I'm surprised at that. Here we definitely expect you to post your proficiency to the lodge on a Stated Meeting, and while I haven't seen anyone not pass, I know we do have officers reach out to see just how close you are before really pushing you to give your proficiency.

I think that, if you get through the 3 degrees, it probably doesn't change retention - that's probably more affected by the culture and energy of the lodge, but getting to MM the method probably has some effect on it.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

Proficiency aside, how many jurisdictions continue the practice of balloting on whether an EA proceeds to the second degree, and a FC goes forward to the MM Degree?


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This is a point of contention among some in my lodge. I know at my age (71) I have an increased difficulty to memorize than I did when I joined the fraternity when I was 35. I coach new members as they progress through the degrees. The young men are quicker to memorize the posting lecture than the older ones. With the older men I give them the option of doing the minimum as outlined with our Grand Lodge. With the younger men I encourage the memorization due to the likelihood that they will progress through the line and will be required to memorize their chairs. Most of the older men don't have a desire to progress through the line, only seeking the fellowship of like minded men.

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