Does your Lodge have any big plans for 2025?
A cool event or two coming up?
Any plans designed to increase Masonic knowledge of Lodge members?
Any ideas underway to improve the Lodge Experience for all?
Plans that might help the Lodge to grow?
Other great plans to share?
I hope that you’ll join me in taking the opportunity to share, so that we can all learn from each other.
Here on Emeth, I’ve got some plans, nothing huge, but things that I hope will improve and expand the experience for everyone.
I am considering bringing back a feature from some time ago, The Daily Pike. Ultimately I stopped doing it because there was too much involved with sending a short quote out each day via a full newsletter. But I’ve been thinking recently that Emeth’s Chat feature could work quite well for that.
I run three distinct newsletters here, Emeth for my Masonic writing, The Keystone for my writing about Tarot, and Cameron M. Bailey for all of my personal, often lightly political stuff. I do this so as to not overwhelm your email inbox. I figure that in this way, you can just subscribe to the stuff that interests you.
I believe that our Alkemye Book Club is off to a great start in December, and I look forward to continuing it through 2025 and beyond.
I have rolled all of these efforts under a single banner, Alkemye, and am considering ways of branding that so that everything has a similar look, feel, and experience.
I continue to believe that the: ‘Guardian model’ of subscription income (if you want to use a dull term) or the ‘Free Love Hippy model’ is the best way to fund these efforts moving forward, but I do continue to evaluate that, as this must ultimately pay for itself. I could move to a New York Times model, which a great many here on Substack are starting to embrace, but I hope Emeth can thrive on donations instead of fees.
I am thinking about writing a short book on Alchemy -And here you thought I didn’t know how to spell it properly!- Specifically Alchemy utilized in an erotic context for transmutation of the self. My ideas are ready to be put down on paper, and I love paper, but what holds me back is that paper is such a pain to create and distribute. I’ll have to continue considering it.
I have long written fiction, and I am considering a fictional Substack, stand alone like the others, for an ongoing story crafted with vignettes. A story about the nine sisters, the Muses of the ancient world. I think it would be fun to do, but I don’t know if any of my readers would be interested in such a thing. You’ll have to let me know.
So what are your Masonic plans for 2025? I hope that you’ll let me know in the comments below…
Staying alive in 25.
We just finished cooking up 47lbs of haggis for our annual Robert Burns supper.
Our WM has arranged a warm reception for us in Hawaii in February. Many of our lodge members will be making the trek to visit with Brothers in Honolulu.
We have also reignited work on our long term plans for the of the many projects that was started, then laid aside as more pressing issues presented themselves