I love it!! Even an old Lodge could gain a renewed energy from the ability to easily change a meeting night or even just the start time without a By Laws change.

It could give the Officers of the Lodge a chance to see if a change would be a benefit.

Our Lodges change overtime with the men that are members. Work and types of work available change. Current and prospective members need something can fit into a 21st Century lifestyle. That could mean working from home for some to getting up at 3am to do an hour plus commute.

I rambled on enough.....

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Instant, effective and continual communication…sure, but just because that technology is available doesn’t mean lodges make use of it. I don’t personally have a problem with allowing lodges to loosen up meeting places and times, but this could introduce confusion to the members, especially the older generation who don’t take advantage of the communication tools we have today.

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I can think of Lodges where this would be a disaster. Lodges are barely aware of their own bylaws as it is. Allowing this flexibility, if it’s not accompanied by suitable practices, would see these Lodges lose what little structure they have.

Why not a bylaw change or GM edict that allows a Lodge to call *special* meetings at other locations, if suitable notice is given?

For new Lodges the situation might be different, and perhaps their bylaws could have that flexibility.

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I don't know much about lodges outside of my own district, but I can see where the ability to change meeting times and locations could be beneficial. The problem is getting the word out to everyone, and having them actually attend. My home lodge has 132 Master Masons, 2 Entered Apprentices, and 2 Fellowcraft (both of whom will be Raised before year's end). Of those, maybe 20 (maximum) will regularly attend meetings. We use email, text messages, social media, and phone calls to muster the troops, yet member attendance remains sparse. Perhaps the novelty of a new (temporary) meeting venue and a new time--earlier or later to accommodate work schedules might draw out more Masons. Just my thoughts...

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Yes. Moving around is great. I have devised a way around it fpr my proposal by making the stated meetings small and fast for critical business and having monthly "special" meetings at various locations for education and fellowship and degree work etc.

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Our sister Jurisdiction is going to send me their code sections that address this, and the practical methods used for Lodges to let members know when they jump locations. It is I think worth serious consideration, as it apparently works very well there.

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Moving a location shouldn't be so difficult. Say, outdoor venue for degrees, power outages and the such. The only concern is those Brothers, who have no modern communication devices to receive notice of change and may show up to an empty building. Also visitors, might be displaced. Good idea, but we would need to have a really good communication plan .

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