I too continue to pay dues to two Lodges that I've moved away from, one that I'll probably never be able to attend again. For sentimental reasons, and I think for your reason No. 1.
As for your reason No. 2, I've got some thoughts, and I'll be back here with them. But Melinda says dinner is served!
I too continue to pay dues to two Lodges that I've moved away from, one that I'll probably never be able to attend again. For sentimental reasons, and I think for your reason No. 1.
As for your reason No. 2, I've got some thoughts, and I'll be back here with them. But Melinda says dinner is served!
I too continue to pay dues to two Lodges that I've moved away from, one that I'll probably never be able to attend again. For sentimental reasons, and I think for your reason No. 1.
As for your reason No. 2, I've got some thoughts, and I'll be back here with them. But Melinda says dinner is served!