Aug 8, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

I wrote this several years ago.

Why You Can't Visit My Lodge

What do you mean, I can't visit your lodge? Isn't a lodge, any lodge, supposed to be a place welcoming all Masons? Sure, it is. You are more than welcome to come to the lodge I belong to.

I'm just saying when you enter the lodge room, you may be experiencing a lodge much different from mine. As well you should be. My lodge and my experience are very personal and I have developed a mindset of Masonry that I assume before I enter. This is why it is so difficult to structure elements of a lodge meeting that will satisfy every Mason's needs.

A proper mindset is what is necessary to change behavior, whether it be trying to just change yourself, or changing an entire organization; such as changing what happens at your lodge. I learned that without a "proper Masonic mindset," attending my lodge will have no meaning for me, and for sure, no meaning for you.

My own personal lodge begins with a "Masonic Mindset" and before I enter the lodge room, I do the following:

• I remove any thoughts from the outside world – I clear my mind of the events of the day

• I assume an attitude of Brotherly Love – I am entering lodge to provide and enjoy lasting fraternal relationships

• I thank my creator – I remember how blessed I am to be able to be here

• I think of giving Masonic charity – to soothe and bring peace to troubled brothers if needed

• I prepare myself to give and receive good counsel

• I prepare myself to learn and to teach others

So, to visit "My Lodge" you need to be thinking exactly like I do. If you are, Great! If you are not, what are you thinking and what is "Your Lodge" like?

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

My lodge have brothers assemble and clothe in the ante room. The lodge room had been darkened with soft music playing. Brothers were instructed to enter in silence in a procession and when they reached their seat to be seated. The silence continued as the officers assumed their stations and the Master proceeded to open lodge.

The instructions given prior to entering included a line indicating we were leaving the profane world and entering into a Masonic sacred space.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

"What do we do, individually, to prepare our own minds and souls for the group ritual work that is about to occur?

Do you personally do anything to ground yourself prior to the opening of the Lodge?"

I always start my ritual day with a shower and (usually) a shave. Then when I'm getting dressed for lodge, generally putting on a suit, I'm in a mindful, somewhat meditative state clearing out any negativity I may have accumulated during the day and focusing my thoughts on the evening ahead which I continue to do up to the point of lodge opening.

"Does your Lodge do anything as a group to try and accomplish some grounding for the men of the Lodge? Such as offering a short period of meditation prior to opening?"

As a lodge, before we enter by candle light, we take a moment to still ourselves and prepare mentally to enter the space.

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I find Brother Clevenger's chorological approach is a mental check list we all could benefit from.

In many lodges today I think we don't convey that we are entering a sacred space other than the protocol of the jurisdiction.

I belong to four lodges and none of them do anything to ground the membership. Maybe I can change that because I believe that may be one of our problems keeping members. Nothing like the present, so at the EA degree tonight I will interject just how sacred a lodge really is supposed to be..

The closing charge is a good way of preparing Brothers for returning as well as reminding them they are returning to an outside world amidst it's concerns and employments from a sacred retreat of friendship and virtue. Unfortunately the charge is optional in most jurisdictions

Please be clothed and take your places doesn't exactly imply anything other than putting on an apron and jewel. What if some wording were added that addressed a persons mind set as well? I know it would cause much uproar among many, but in todays world proper instruction has to cross all Ts and dot every I.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

I attended a stated meeting at a neighboring lodge last Tuesday. The lodge only opens on the Third Degree (EAs & FCs receive instruction outside of the lodge room). The Brothers prepared in the ante room and then, led by the officers, marched into the lodge room in single file, where the lights were turned down and each Brother was carrying a candle. We circumambulated around the altar three times and then each Brother placed his candle on a table which sat in the East. The candles remained lit throughout the meeting. We then went to our seat, where we stood in silent contemplation until the WM gaveled us to sit down. I can easily say that this was the most I’ve ever been prepared for a meeting in a sacred place.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

I think bringing music back will have a profound effect on the whole experience, before and during ritual.

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