When a Lodge becomes distressed, and membership wains, shouldn’t there be a series of reports from DDGMs outlining the reasons why a lodge is declining. Is it due to a single brother who is a poor leader? Is it because the lodge building is in need of repair and the financial health of the lodge, combined with the necessary work that i…
When a Lodge becomes distressed, and membership wains, shouldn’t there be a series of reports from DDGMs outlining the reasons why a lodge is declining. Is it due to a single brother who is a poor leader? Is it because the lodge building is in need of repair and the financial health of the lodge, combined with the necessary work that is needed becomes overwhelming for the brothers? Regardless of the reasons, the good hearted efforts of a handful of brothers, typically isn’t going to be enough. If the decline is due to a poor leader, are the “new” brothers going to be able to change the leadership and culture of a lodge before it fails. If it’s due to financial reasons, the minimal amount of dues our lodges charge isn’t going be enough. A lodge in distress or decline should never come as a surprise to GL and if it does, then the question is why? Why hasn’t the DDGM(s) made the situation known. At what point should the GL get involved, to offer counsel and advice, before a lodge loses its charter. Again, this conversation circles around to guarding the West Gate and providing meaningful education and conversations within our lodges. We can have grand Temples (Some do) and plentiful financial resources (Some do) but without meaningful fellowship, no one will stay. A “successful” lodge should guard it’s West Gate well before agreeing to consolidating with a lodge that is closing.
When a Lodge becomes distressed, and membership wains, shouldn’t there be a series of reports from DDGMs outlining the reasons why a lodge is declining. Is it due to a single brother who is a poor leader? Is it because the lodge building is in need of repair and the financial health of the lodge, combined with the necessary work that is needed becomes overwhelming for the brothers? Regardless of the reasons, the good hearted efforts of a handful of brothers, typically isn’t going to be enough. If the decline is due to a poor leader, are the “new” brothers going to be able to change the leadership and culture of a lodge before it fails. If it’s due to financial reasons, the minimal amount of dues our lodges charge isn’t going be enough. A lodge in distress or decline should never come as a surprise to GL and if it does, then the question is why? Why hasn’t the DDGM(s) made the situation known. At what point should the GL get involved, to offer counsel and advice, before a lodge loses its charter. Again, this conversation circles around to guarding the West Gate and providing meaningful education and conversations within our lodges. We can have grand Temples (Some do) and plentiful financial resources (Some do) but without meaningful fellowship, no one will stay. A “successful” lodge should guard it’s West Gate well before agreeing to consolidating with a lodge that is closing.