The reality is that most officers in a Lodge are the few good men. So it is not until the charter is given up that they consider participating in another lodge. Many brothers derive a specific identity from their mother lodge. They're a "Columbia Mason", not just a mason. The social psychology of group dynamics do not change. Our obligations do not change our human nature.
The reality is that most officers in a Lodge are the few good men. So it is not until the charter is given up that they consider participating in another lodge. Many brothers derive a specific identity from their mother lodge. They're a "Columbia Mason", not just a mason. The social psychology of group dynamics do not change. Our obligations do not change our human nature.
The reality is that most officers in a Lodge are the few good men. So it is not until the charter is given up that they consider participating in another lodge. Many brothers derive a specific identity from their mother lodge. They're a "Columbia Mason", not just a mason. The social psychology of group dynamics do not change. Our obligations do not change our human nature.