Not to debate the mechanics, but we hardly have any choice in who is elected at all given the stranglehold of two party organizations. We are often not given choices that are tolerable. The ignorance of the masses doesn't help.

We have the worst democratic compared with any "free" nation in the world. SLOWLY we are opening up primaries, embracing rank-choice voting, etc., but meanwhile, jerrymandering and voter suppression is rampant. If we don't clean this up, no pet peeve policy or cause from either side of the aisle matters.

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I agree that performance art and sound bites have replaced statesmanship and diplomacy. Consensus and bipartisanship have become punch lines of jokes. “Politicians” have found that there is a lot of money to be made through campaign contributions and insider information. I don’t have any evidence that insider information is being abused but I don’t see any of our “leaders” doing anything to ensure it doesn’t happen.

Something of interest though that may have been influenced by those founding fathers that were Masons. When a member of Congress stands to speak, they address the “leader” of which ever chamber they are in. They don’t speak directly to another member.

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Our congress exempted themselves from insider trading laws. That's how they are raking in millions.

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My dad was a huge Louis L’Amour fan. He actually bought the complete leather bound time life set of his books and when he passed my sister took them. I remember reading the hand me down paperbacks as a kid. While most of the stories were basically the same, they all ingrained basic moral codes that I’m sure helped influence my own outlook on life, the universe and everything.

And you are right, this country is being led, not by our elected officials, but the machines in each party. My only criticism is that while the “renegades” may make the gop look like dysfunctional brats, it also exposes how the democrats don’t think for themselves, they simply rubber stamp whatever the dnc machine tells them to, regardless of how they or their constituents actually feel. Sad sad state of affairs.

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One of the used bookstores in my town has a large number of those leather bound sets. If memory serves, they are looking for 7$ each. Let me know if there is one or more you want me to pick up on your behalf.

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Thanks, but there are I believe 66 books in the set, and at 7 dollars each, that’s a pretty penny to spend. Can’t break up a set like that lol. I don’t really have any desire to read those again, but thanks.

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