Gotta love Hunter S. Thompson. He reportedly wrote:
“Frankly, I have no taste for either poverty or honest labor, so writing is the only recourse left me.”
If I might try to properly quote another writer, and Freemason, whom I greatly admire, Lon Milo DuQuette, his spoken words go something like:
‘Please buy my books. You don’t have to read them, but please buy them, for I’ve made no other provision for retirement.’
He says it quite a bit better, and I’m sure that I’ve got a word or two wrong, but his point is solid despite the humor with which he presents it.
Not a single essay that I post here would exist without the support of those who have purchased a paid subscription to Emeth. Paid subscriptions are vital, if I’m to keep this endeavor alive.
So, a huge Thank You to each and every one of you who holds one of those paid subscriptions. Together we are creating a better Freemasonry, working towards Legendary Freemasonry.
Today is of course that high holiday of crass commercialism, Black Friday.
A day in which seemingly every enterprise on the face of the earth, from the tiny tea shop down the street to the multinationals that span the globe throw a sign screaming ‘On Sale!’ on seemingly everything.
I don’t like to think of Emeth as a commercial enterprise. I like to think of it as a force for good within our Ancient Craft, and from that, a force for good in our broader society.
But, I must be honest if Emeth is to survive. It is, as with everything in our world, dependent upon money. It is a commercial enterprise. It’s much more than that of course, but without the commercial aspect it could not exist. Much like our Lodges must pay their bills in order to survive, so too must I.
Because of all of this, Emeth is ‘On Sale!’
If you subscribe between now and the first of December, through the magic of Substack and Stripe, you’ll get 25% off for the next year.
If you’ve been on the fence about upgrading your subscription, this is a chance to do it for less.
Thank you for reading this ramble, and if you already hold a paid subscription, Thank You once again, your support truly means the world to me!
If the subscribe box above doesn’t work for whatever reason, a direct link into the 25% off offering is here:
Thank you for the chuckle this morning, it was a great way to start my day. On a side note, Hunter Thompson was my wife’s great uncle on her mother’s side.
I apologize, Most Worshipful. Honestly, I just don’t have a budget for everything on the web I enjoy reading. I’ve never had Netflix or those other subscriptions. I don’t even have cable TV. lol