You are correct, this is happening in other jurisdictions as I've been getting emails from our GM and the GL office warning of this for the last several months.

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The best way to avoid this activity is to not have lists of emails publicly published that criminals can farm for victims.

This speaks to a broader issue that I wish people were more cognizant of. If you have a FB profile, stop responding to those seemingly innocent questions that get posted from time to time. What was your first car? What town were you born in? What's your first pet's name? Recognize these? If you answer them, you've giving criminals answers to common security questions used by companies online to protect your information. Just stop.

There is so many ways that people are fooled into giving away their money. FB does nothing to police the content to protect you from scams. There's been a rash of so called "liquidation sales" of expensive items, like guitars, laptops, computers for what seems to be a steal (usually for sale less than $100 dollars). The old saying, if it looks too good to be true, it probably isn't, applies.

Be careful out there.

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