What are they doing to get members back in lodge and do they think meaningful education is being done would be my main questions.

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Good Morning GM Cameron, to add to what RW Robert wrote, create a communication data base and infrastructure network of all the GMs to exchange ideas, work together in some areas and update the use of technology that is indigenous to their jurisdictions and learn what works and why... Stay safe and good journeys Brother Cameron.

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Might want to see if conference could be held in a warmer climate.

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Good morning MW Cameron, some possible thoughts. I would be very interested in new ideas to add fun to our Lodge activities; new ideas to attract members of our communities to our Lodge so they see what values we offer for them; opportunities for cross-jurisdiction activities such as regional conferences, games, contests; and finally, how to attract interest from ethnic groups or individuals to our Lodge. This conference sounds like a way-cool opportunity for discovery!

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Our work and ritual emphasizes mastery of the self so that we may work best together. The noble contention - who can best agree and best work together. Be ye all of one mind.

We frequently don't do the work necessary to communicate effectively and generate consensus, and contention so often pervades without real discussion or problem-solving efforts. This isn't what men who join our lodges are seeking - they get enough of it in the outer world. Our Craft has the answers to this, but we very often fail to execute effectively, which to me speaks of a failure to set high expectations and a failure to train our men to be effective and wise leaders. Leading doesn't mean "my way or the highway," it does mean bringing people together to work for common purpose and benefit, and we all know that to accomplish this effectively, people will either do it out of fear or desire. As Masons, I think we would want the latter.

There is an effort that has been circulating in the Fraternity for several years -The World Civility Council, which follows the Masonic Civility Project. This effort's goal is to help bring the Masonic Light of civility from our Fraternity into the world.

I encourage you to discuss with your colleagues not only the importance, but the necessity of getting behind this effort in a meaningful way. This means learning about it, engaging with it, and using it both within and without the walls of the Lodge room. Grand Masters, in my opinion, ought to think of this effort as necessary rather than optional. We can have strong and differing opinions - in fact the best solutions to challenges come from harmonizing divergent ideas. We should, however, all be able to agree that the best approach is a civil and respectful approach that relies on communication and keeping channels of communication open.

Our world is divided, which leaves the doors open to those who would suppress free association, free speech and free thinking. We see this in Russia, Belarus, China, and elsewhere. There is a trend toward "strong men" leaders happening globally and even locally. Political discourse at all levels of our democracy has become toxic and bullying from all sides.

Promoting civil discourse of important ideas is something that our Fraternity ought embrace within our Lodge, Jurisdiction, Nation, and globally. Our Fraternity came up during the Enlightenment and Age of Reason - our Second Degree speaks so much to this, while our final stage of learning gives us the Trowel as a working tool.

The opportunity for this North American Conference is to make a bold statement and shine light on what Masons really stand for. I encourage the members of the Conference to get involved with this effort in a meaningful way, as I encourage each Jurisdiction to adopt and elevate this work as part of its ongoing Masonic education efforts.

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I would be interested in the dues structure from others areas and if they are also struggling because of very low members dues.

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Perhaps start a conversation on phasing out some of the outdated and superfluous appendant bodies. Just a conversation to see if anyone agrees with the idea. The fraternity is withering and it is madness to continue channeling energy and resources into Templar, Shriner, OES, and other groups that are in collapse.

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Tell Larry Thompson from nc his beard is magnificent.

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