What does your Lodge have scheduled over the next few weeks?
What cool Masonic thing are you doing? Getting a Degree, writing a blog, doing a podcast, selling some merch, doing some research, got a new website?
Running a fundraiser for your Lodge or charity?
Anything at all related to Freemasonry that you want to get the word out about?
Tell us all about it…
I’ll start:
This Friday the 27th I’ll open the Grand Lodge of Washington, at 4:00PM, at Robert Morris Lodge, in Silver Creek WA. Following that, we’ll drive down to Toledo WA to lay the cornerstone at the new High School. Ceremony starts at 6:00PM.
On Saturday the 28th, I’m headed to Quilcene-Jefferson Lodge in Quilcene WA. Breakfast at 8:00AM, with an EA Degree in Quilcene’s outdoor Lodge room. Degree starts at 10:00AM.
On Sunday the 29th, I’m headed to Forks WA, to the Westernmost Lodge in the Continental United States. There we will feast on BBQ salmon. The wonderful meal starts at 1:00PM.
Please join me for one or all of these events this weekend!
Like every Thursday, we will have a live open thread for those with a paid subscription to Emeth today. The email opening the thread will go out at 8:00AM, and I’ll remain on the thread until 6:00PM.
Because our lodge temple board has announced that no business will be conducted in lodge without masks, I will not be participating in my lodge functions for the foreseeable future. I was really looking forward to hearing bro lamb give his presentation. That salmon bbq sounds good though.
There will be some, but at the same time, many of them have been staying home already. And that's fine -- some Brothers cannot handle the vaccine for certain health reasons, and might not be comfortable being out in public indoor environments, whether others are masked/vaccinated or not. It's a decision each one of us must make for ourselves, but you already understand that.
I'd like to add that the Worshipful Master of Centralia Lodge made a mask mandate at last Monday's Stated Communication, and while he made some redirection to make the educational part of the meeting coincide with the dinner, and thus allow the Brothers to attend it while eating (and thus be unmasked,) the initial attendance was great, and it didn't wane afterwards, either.
For anyone interested, I have been compiling old Masonic Manuscripts and books. You can view and download anytime, just head over to Verity 59 website, click on the resource tab and you will find over 100 downloadable manuscripts, or simply click on https://verity59.org/resources.html
Because our lodge temple board has announced that no business will be conducted in lodge without masks, I will not be participating in my lodge functions for the foreseeable future. I was really looking forward to hearing bro lamb give his presentation. That salmon bbq sounds good though.
I wonder how many brothers will stay away.
There will be some, but at the same time, many of them have been staying home already. And that's fine -- some Brothers cannot handle the vaccine for certain health reasons, and might not be comfortable being out in public indoor environments, whether others are masked/vaccinated or not. It's a decision each one of us must make for ourselves, but you already understand that.
I'd like to add that the Worshipful Master of Centralia Lodge made a mask mandate at last Monday's Stated Communication, and while he made some redirection to make the educational part of the meeting coincide with the dinner, and thus allow the Brothers to attend it while eating (and thus be unmasked,) the initial attendance was great, and it didn't wane afterwards, either.
The Salmon BBQ at Forks is always great! You should come!
For anyone interested, I have been compiling old Masonic Manuscripts and books. You can view and download anytime, just head over to Verity 59 website, click on the resource tab and you will find over 100 downloadable manuscripts, or simply click on https://verity59.org/resources.html
This is a superb resource! Thank you Brother!