On Tuesday of last week we discussed the idea of hosting a Masonic paper/essay contest here on Emeth. Once the discussion got underway, the idea seemed to have a good deal of excitement behind it. Given that, I think we should do it!
I would like to keep it super simple, but here are the rules:
All essays must be on a Masonic topic. That can include pretty much anything, but they must be related to Freemasonry.
All essays must be a minimum of 1000 words.
Essays may contain images, but can not exceed 102 KB, for any email larger than that will encounter delivery problems for all those with Gmail accounts.
All essays must be original work, never before published.
Authors who submit essays will retain their Copyright and may publish them elsewhere as desired. By submitting an essay the author is simply giving Emeth the right to publish the essay on this platform, and any future platforms or formats Emeth might migrate to or otherwise utilize.
Authors must own the right to any work submitted, it must be their own work.
The contest ends on August 31, 2021. That is the last day essays may be turned in, but some essays may be selected and published prior to that date.
Essays will be judged by me, and whomever I draft to assist me with the judging. The best will be published. By submitting an essay, the author understands that it may need to be edited, and consents to that editing.
It begs the question, what’s in it for authors?
Well, a few good things I think:
Full credit will be given to authors by name, and if desired, a short Masonic bio.
Authors retain Copyright, only giving Emeth the right to publish now and in the future.
Authors will receive great exposure for their work. For example, as of today, the essay titled Prince Hall Recognition has been read by 4920 people.
Cold hard cash. The author of any essay that is selected to be published here on Emeth will win $100.00. We won’t have first, second, and third prizes, we will simply select the very best for publication, and if we get a lot of great essays, well, then we will publish a lot of great essays. There won’t be any artificial limit. For every essay published however, the author will win $100.00. That will keep me from having to turn away any great work.
So there it is, our Emeth contest!
I’ve tried to make the above explanations as complete as possible, but I imagine that I have missed something. Please put any questions in the comments, I’ll answer them there.
Most importantly, please submit an essay or ten! It will be great fun, and who knows, it might earn you a hundred bucks!
As always, a huge Thank You to everyone who supports Emeth. It truly would not be possible without you. As we continue to grow, we are making a positive and lasting impact on our Ancient Fraternity.
As with every Sunday, we will have a gathering via Zoom this evening for all those with a paid subscription to Emeth. Please watch for the Zoom link, it will be sent out at 3:00 PM Pacific time.
Just in case you missed it:
Just in case you are wondering:
It is not my intention to replace any existing Emeth content with submitted essays. Any essays published will be in addition to the regular Emeth schedule, so our contest will result in more great Masonic writing.
I have an essay how should I submit it?
I was working on a different project, but I won't be able to complete by the deadline, so ill shift gears and work on something on a smaller scale!