On Writing
Emeth was quiet over the past week, because of an odd little quirk of mine. I’ve always been able to write. I’ve never suffered from writer’s block as some others struggle with.
But, sometimes, something gets stuck in my head. It demands to be put down on paper before I can write anything else. I’m not sure why this is, but it is something that has happened to me from time to time. Some years ago I actually wrote a full length novel, finding myself unable to write anything else until it was done. That manuscript is sitting in my safe, I’m unsure if I’ll ever do anything with it or not.
So, this is what happened to me over the past few days. I had something stuck in my head, that had to be written before thoughts about writing anything else could come to the surface. Unfortunately, it wasn’t anything of interest to anyone here!
I do wonder if something like this happens to anyone else? I figure that I’m lucky, because it is quite rare for me.
Conference of Grand Masters of North America
I will be attending the Conference again this year. It will be my fifth time.
Last year I tried to post something interesting from the Conference here each day, and I hope to be able to do that again this year. With luck, we’ll find some nuggets of value that we can take back to our Lodges, or use in our own personal Masonic journeys.
The Western Conference of Grand Lodges starts on February 16, so watch for these updates starting then.
At least this year, with the Conference in Seattle, I don’t risk freezing to death. But, of course, Seattle has its own difficulties. On the news the other day I noticed that there was a large protest about the situation in the middle east right at the entrance to our Conference venue.
An Invitation
If you are a Mason in the Pacific Northwest, or in Seattle for the Conference, Seattle’s own Occidental Lodge in Ballard is inviting you to their Dinner and Stated Meeting:
February 15 at 5:30PM.
Salmon dinner served at 6:30, Stated Meeting starts at 7:30.
2006 NW Market Street, Seattle
I understand that MW Robert Davis, PGM of Oklahoma will be attending, and if we are lucky, speaking as well. It is my opinion that he has written the very best educational program for new Masons that we’ve ever had. In Search Of Light.
If you want to attend, please RSVP by replying to me, and I’ll send your name off to the Lodge’s Junior Warden.
Tarot School
I’ve written before about the importance of Tarot books for those seeking to learn the art. Indeed, I don’t believe that Tarot can properly be learned without the utilization of books.
But, I’ve also written about the limitations of Tarot Books. Virtually all books include the standard meanings of each card, along with the particular author’s personal insight, but due to the limitations of the book form, these definitions are limited to each card standing alone.
To be properly read, each card must be read in context. What other cards are in the spread? Where is the card placed in the spread? How does it relate to everything else that is being shown? These things and more add context, and due to form, context is something that books can’t really do, given the seemingly infinite number of possible card combinations.
I believe that I have come up with a way that all of us who are interested in Tarot can explore this context together. From time to time I’ll post a random spread, with a specific card identified. I’ll give my own take on the standard meaning, but then we can discuss the meaning in context together. I can’t imagine a better way to learn Tarot, or improve one’s Tarot skills.
But, I don’t want to make all the Freemasons here on Emeth who aren’t into Tarot nuts with a bunch of Tarot posts. So, I’m going to be making those posts over on They Keystone.
If you want to participate, please subscribe over there. (Just add your email in the box below.) I’ll send out the first spread for our discussion soon:
Another Invitation
On Friday, February 23 at 6:30PM, Seaport Lodge, AF&AM of Oregon will be confering a Fellowcraft Degree, with of course Oregon Work.
On Saturday, February 24 at 6:30PM, Esoterika Lodge, F&AM of Washington will be conferring a Fellowcraft Degree, with of course Washington Work.
Both Degrees are taking place at the Astoria Masonic Temple:
1572 Franklin Avenue, Astoria, Oregon
This is an exceptionally rare opportunity to see two Fellowcraft Degrees, over a single weekend, with the unique work from two different Jurisdictions.
Plus, it is an opportunity to see a truly amazing Lodge Room.
Finally, it is an opportunity to spend a weekend in an extremely fun historic city, filled with amazing restaurants and a beautiful waterfront.
If you can come, I think you certainly should!
Thank you for another informative read; I do find your use of Tarot very intersting.
I myself use the Elder futhark runes for divination, and have often presented "spreads" for my friends and immediate family.
Similarly, I have multiple books on the futhark which have the same sort of outline - the bulk of the books are the 24 pages whereby each rune is given its own definition, then followed or preceded by the author's own practice and experience