I’m at a bit of a loss about what I should write today.
You see, Emeth has traditionally grown at a very slow but steady pace. Adding about forty new subscribers per month. Some days it will get five or six new subscribers. Some days none. If something I write offends someone, it will decrease by one or two. On average though, over time, it grows by about forty per month.
That all changed seven days ago.
In the last seven days it has grown by over five hundred new subscribers. It will grow by over a hundred today alone, and if the past seven days performance is any indication, it will grow by even more tomorrow. This growth rate seems to be exponential, but I am certain it is a temporary aberration.
Don’t get me wrong. That is all great, and lovely, and wonderful.
I love knowing that Emeth’s message will be getting out to that many more people.
I am concerned that all of these new subscribers, all of you who have joined us in the last seven days likely need an introduction to what we are creating here with Emeth, where we have been, and were we may end up going.
At the risk of restating what you already knew when you signed up here, I’ll just say that Emeth is about Freemasonry. Specifically it is about improving the Lodge Experience for Freemasons, with an eye towards creating what we can call truly Legendary Freemasonry.
It is also a little bit I think about Civil Society in general. Because Freemasonry is a huge part of our Civil Society, and always has been thus. Also because what improves Freemasonry will likely also serve to improve any Civil Society organization. We are all in the same boat after all, with the same problems and challenges.
To give everyone who has joined Emeth a chance to catch up, and read some of my favorite essays, I decided that a bit of a retrospective was in order here today.
So here you go, a blast from the past!
I hope that you find some value in these older writings.
I hope that you have found some value in this collection of posts from 2021! The entire archive from that year can be found here.
Congratulations, Brother! I am so happy to see your success. Emeth has grown considerably since I have been subscribed.
My educated guess is that your increased number of subscribers is due to the introduction of notes in substack. This has given you increased exposure.